The Death Penalty Campaign
"Say NO To The Death Penalty. Loving Your Child Is Not A Crime!"
About the campaign.
The Death Penalty Campaign by PAPA (People Against Parental Alienation) is a global campaign designed to raise awareness of the untimely deaths linked to contact denial and parental alienation.
To do this we are putting on demonstrations outside courthouses in the UK and across the globe, including our PAPA Canada chapter, to illustrate the severe consequences of parental alienation and contact denial.
Loving parents are sadly sentencing themselves to the "death penalty" by taking their own lives, as a result of being alienated and denied access to their children. Their only "crime" being that they loved their children, fought for their children and sadly could not endure any more.​
We at PAPA say NO to the "death penalty" because loving your child is not a crime.
Our campaign is designed to demonstrate the impact these needless deaths have on families across the world and to call for better frameworks to prevent these deaths from happening.
The Alarming Statistics
The statistics surrounding parental alienation are disturbing.
It' estimated that over 200 children lose contact with a parent per week through family court, in the UK alone.
Research from Australia indicates that over 21 parents per week take their own lives because of the emotional pain linked to contact denial.
This statistic starkly illustrates the heavy emotional toll faced by separated parents, particularly fathers who often experience a higher rate of alienation than mothers and as men are are over three times more likely to take their own life.
While there are is no reliable data on this, it's clear that the worldwide number of parents taking their lives as a result of parental alienation is far higher than this.
Moreover, parents struggling with arrears from the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) face a mortality rate that is over 14 times higher than the national average.
This alarming statistic raises critical questions about systemic issues within the support structures designed to assist families in distress.
Our Demonstrations
As part of our Death Penalty Campaign, we are putting on demonstrations in some towns and cities. These demonstrations include flowers, wreaths, signs, cards and posters that demonstrate the consequences of contact denial and parental alienation.
Our current planned demonstrations are as follows:
Peterborough Crown Court (27/01/2025 - 11/02/2025)
Our first demonstration is at Peterborough Crown Court, we invite all PAPA members and followers in the Peterborough area to lay your flowers in respect of all parents who have sadly passed away and the children who are now living without a parent. Our demonstration will be displayed for 14 days before we return to take it down.
Leicester Crown Court (27/01/2025 - 11/02/2025)
Our second demonstration is at Leicester Crown Court, we invite all PAPA members and followers in the Leicester area to lay your flowers in respect of all parents who have sadly passed away and the children who are now living without a parent. Our demonstration will be displayed for 14 days before we return to take it down.
Boston Courthouse (03/02/2025 - 18/02/2025)
Our third demonstration is at Boston Courthouse, we invite all PAPA members and followers in the Boston area to lay your flowers in respect of all parents who have sadly passed away and the children who are now living without a parent. Our demonstration will be displayed for 14 days before we return to take it down.
Nottingham Justice Centre (03/02/2025 - 18/02/2025)
Our fourth demonstration is at Nottingham Justice Centre, we invite all PAPA members and followers in the Nottingham area to lay your flowers in respect of all parents who have sadly passed away and the children who are now living without a parent. Our demonstration will be displayed for 14 days before we return to take it down.
Kings Lynn Magistrates Court (07/02/2025 - 10/02/2025)
Our fifth demonstration is at Kings Lynn Magistrates Court, we invite all PAPA members and followers in the Kings Lynn area to lay your flowers in respect of all parents who have sadly passed away and the children who are now living without a parent. Our demonstration will be displayed for 3 days at this location before we return to take it down. This is due to the location.
Cambridge Crown Court (10/02/2025 - 25/02/2025)
Our sixth demonstration is at Cambridge Crown Court, we invite all PAPA members and followers in the Cambridge area to lay your flowers in respect of all parents who have sadly passed away and the children who are now living without a parent. Our demonstration will be displayed for 14 days before we return to take it down.
Bury St. Edmunds County Court (10/02/2025 - 25/02/2025)​
Our seventh demonstration is at Bury St. Edmunds County Court, we invite all PAPA members and followers in the Bury St. Edmunds area to lay your flowers in respect of all parents who have sadly passed away and the children who are now living without a parent. Our demonstration will be displayed for 14 days before we return to take it down.
Ipswich Crown Court (10/02/2025 - 25/02/2025)
Our eighth demonstration is at Ipswich Crown Court, we invite all PAPA members and followers in the Ipswich area to lay your flowers in respect of all parents who have sadly passed away and the children who are now living without a parent. Our demonstration will be displayed for 14 days before we return to take it down.
At present, these are the demonstrations we have planned however we may add more if we can raise the funds and can allocate the time needed to travel to more destinations.
What We Propose
In order for us to minimise these unnecessary deaths it's clear that a lot of work needs to be done, so we propose a few changes that will decrease the likelihood of mortality in parents.
A presumption of equal parenting time and support immediately after parents separate.
Equal support provided to both parents after separation.
Greater deterrents and punishments for unjustified contact denial.
Court orders being enforced.
Child Support payments being put on hold whilst cases are disputed in family court.
Child Support arrears being written off if a parent has been forced into family court proceedings for contact.
Child Support payments to be calculated after a final order has been made by the court (or both parents agree) and for the amount to be calculated after tax and living expenses.
More mental health support for parents forced into family court.
Help Us Save Lives
The mortality rate for alienated parents is incredibly high so it's vital that we address this as soon as possible before more lives are lost and before more children are forced to permanently live without their other parent.
You can help support the campaign by downloading our free poster here and distributing in your area. You can also help by distributing our cards and stickers or wearing our merchandise, which is available from our Supply store.
Help us remove the incentives in place and create greater deterrents for alienating parents so we can put a stop to this abuse.
Let's end parental alienation together!