Would you be willing to participate in a web/interactive documentary about parental alienation? I'm an alienated dad and also an experienced producer/director of factual TV and documentary films. One of my biggest frustrations is having my experience of PA denied by others, either because of ignorance or on spurious ideological grounds. I would like to film and curate interviews with alienated parents, grandparents, partners and children who are based in the UK, but to do this on a scale that makes it hard to deny the sheer weight of testimony. It's easy to dismiss any one individual account of PA, but far harder to deny a multitude of different voices.
I understand that 'going public' in this way may be hard or even impossible for some, which is why I first need to gauge the level of willingness to participate. I would be very grateful if you could indicate whether or not you feel able to participate, your reasons for this, and also any conditions that would make it easier for you to participate; for example, not using names or filming in silhouette.
Either reply or DM if you prefer. I'd also appreciate the input of moderators because of their extensive experience of these issues.
Thank you in advance!
I would be happy to do this
I'd welcome the opportunity to talk about this. It's frankly astonishing, unreal and there isn't anywhere near enough information about it.
I’m definitely up for it, have a three side story. My ex. My next partner and her kids dads x 2
I'd possibly be willing to take part haven't seen my Son in over 2 years he lives on the opposite side of the country.
Haven’t seen my 17yr old Son for 4yrs, he now has terminal cancer
I haven't seen either of my girls for nearly 2 years. One is now 18 and the other is 14. Even some support groups state that you need to be an expert to say it might be caused by alienation. I think if mum doesn't stop bitching about me to them. Plus some wild accusations that might do it! I had a normal healthy relationship until I moved out. Then we had a very acrimonious divorce, as Mum wanted everything including a chunk of my pension even though I'm much older and near retirement. The courts did not agree. I believe the main term would be Narcissistic parental alienation. Cafcas and the courts simply do not ever like to admit that might be it. It's child abuse is some countries. Not even mentioned in the UK. This needs to change. I would do anything to talk and see my to girls again. The other issue is once they are around 10, yes 10 years old! As far as the English law is concerned they can do what ever they wish. "Their" wishes if they don't want to see you comes first. Even though this is Mum's wishes really. It's a living nightmare.
I am I’m the middle of it again. Living it and fighting and making mistakes and I think talking helps.
id love to be part of it: baldindenny@hotmail.com
I’d love to be part of it…
I’d love to tell my story’s it’s a crazy one 5023410135
I’d be happy to tell my story.
I’d be happy to share my experience, I haven’t seen my daughter for the last decade properly. I do have 4 court orders stating I should access to my daughter, and in the last court hearing, the judges said they can see what the mother is doing. My daughter has been alienated from not just myself, my whole family and even her mothers side of the family aswell. I’ve tried so hard to stay strong, I’m now in a real relationship and have two beautiful step daughters, without sounding ungrateful, I want to be a parent to my own daughter as much as my two step daughters.
I would be interested in telling my story. I am in the north west (Merseyside) my story highlights not just alienation by my daughter's mother but also the biases within the NHS, social care and education systems. It highlights a failure to protect my child from a mother who is abusing my daughter. I have written evidence of the failings of a multitude of professionals from all these organisations and CAFCASS.
Yes, I’m keen.
Happy to be involved. Two of my children have been kept away from me for two years. I'm not seeing them grow up.
I'm interested I live in Devon and have two sons I'm being kept from
yes im very interested. I’m in South London
Interested but in Australia
I’m in Montana and if you open it up to the states I would gladly participate! Nicole
I'm in