My wife and I ‘separated’ through her choice in March. We are still living in the house, and have two young boys who are 6 & 3 and my absolute world.
I’ve uncovered that she’s been sleeping with another guy, but to the point where she took them off to their grandparents, put them to bed, then went off to a hotel with this guy and sneaked back late at night.
She’s also having regular ‘adult’ phone calls/face time with this guy when she’s in the house with our kids fast asleep in the next room.
I can’t stand the thought that this is the person who’s bringing up my boys, teaching them morals and standards, and I’m being painted out to be the bad parent - they’re already displaying abandonment and alienation, and it’s breaking me
First, I urge to speak to a mediator as you will need this before any court hearing. It will help you clarify next steps. I assume this is not going to be an amicable split. Gather your evidence. Be kind but honest with her if you are upset about her behaviour. She will need to attend a MIAMS at some stage. It is important that you do all posible tostop the alienation as soon as you can. Buy the book offered on this site - it's not cheap but divorce/separation is costly anyway. X