Thanks to our amazing members and volunteers we continue to grow stronger in the fight against parental alienation.

At PAPA we always work tirelessly to spread awareness of parental alienation and the devastation it causes families.
Thanks to some amazing members and volunteers we have managed to continue the growth of the movement and break new ground in the fight against parental alienation.
What have we achieved?
I decided this summer to launch the PAPA Awareness and Campaign Cards and I've invited all PAPA members and followers to join me in distributing them to help spread awareness and reach people in need of our help and support.
So far they've been a great success with many members getting involved with the campaign and distributing cards in their local area.
I've managed to distribute thousands myself as well as sending out thousands to our awesome members and followers.
Special mentions go out to our volunteers Amy and John as well as members Blake Richardson and Adam Stevens, who have really taken the initiative to help the cause and to encourage others to help continue PAPA's drive for raising awareness and supporting those impacted.
This campaign will continue and we encourage all PAPA members and followers to join us in distributing cards.
We have had incredible feedback from them and have already helped many people so you can help us give that lifeline to someone who may have lost hope or who may feel isolated going through this.
Along with the introduction and distribution of the awareness cards, I decided to take the PAPA van around with me and my son on all of our trips and days out.
The PAPA van visited several theme parks as well as making it's way around the country to places such as York, Portsmouth and Manchester.
We have had a lot of people reach out and join PAPA after seeing the van in these places which further underlines how widespread this issue is and also shows that even the smallest of efforts can make an impact to someone.
It was particularly nice to revisit my home town of Portsmouth with my son and the van after they did a big feature on me in The News a couple of years ago.
We were approached by several parents while we were there to discuss our work and it was nice to meet some of you in my hometown that have been members and followers of PAPA since we started this journey several years ago.
It's nice for me to have that recognition in my hometown particularly as it's so far away from where I live now, it shows that the message we are spreading is landing across the country and across the world.

Speaking of "across the world", it's worth mentioning that the new PAPA chapter in Canada is now under way thanks to the fantastic work of Chris Rauch.
Chris had been a member of PAPA for a few years while he battled for time with his son and since winning (most of) his battles he decided he wanted to help us branch out into Canada and help those in need there.
So far Chris has created the 'PAPA Corvette' which was inspired by the PAPA vans and only looks slightly better...
It looks awesome and is a real head turner with chrome PAPA decals.
So far Chris has taken it to some car shows in Ontario and has managed to meet with some existing PAPA members based out there as well as reach new members.
A formal introduction of PAPA Canada will follow soon but I have to take this opportunity to thank Chris for all of his hard work in making this a reality and helping us continue to spread our awareness worldwide.

So, we have the PAPA vans and the PAPA Corvette... What about a PAPA race car?
This is exactly what we have seen this summer thanks to Darren Spooner and SPOOX Motorsport.
Darren kindly reached out to us and offered us the opportunity to sponsor his heavily modified Peugeot 205 race car, at his expense.
The car looks amazing and has already been used for the Quick 60 event at Mallory Park as well as being on display at the NEC Arena in Birmingham for Gravity 2024.
It's estimated that over 20,000 people have already seen this car which will further announce PAPA as a household name in the fight against abuse in the weeks, months and years to come.
Darren had this to say:
I became an advocate of PAPA as I had been erased from my son's lives completely and lost everything trying to be a daddy. My son's mother used the family court and a solicitor who specialised in alienation for her own financial reward and to eradicate my two son's father and their paternal family completely. I have never been allowed to meet or even see a picture of my youngest son and my eldest I last saw when he was 18 months old, at that age he was already referring to me as the "horrible man" rather than daddy. He is now nearly 7. Fathers like me have two choices, give up and end it all, or fight with anything you have left. I chose the latter. I have been excluded from any further attempts to be a part of my children's lives, I'm left with trying to raise awareness with the amazing people at PAPA.
We thank Darren for his bravery and strength to not only fight for himself and his son's but also to join us at PAPA in fighting to put a stop to this abuse.
We will continue to fight for all victims and push for the reunification of all children and their loving parents who have been cruelly abused.

We also have seen PAPA represented at music festivals this summer by Scott Hardcastle and his band Kissed By Vultures.
Scott and his band performed at both the Wisbech Rock Festival and the Hunstanton Battle of the Bands.
Scott took these opportunities to shout out PAPA and all victims of parental alienation to all festival goers.
Kissed By Vultures are currently working on a song and video related to his own battles and will be looking for the help of the PAPA community.
Scott had this to say:
I reached out to PAPA because of being alienated from my children. I'm still battling the injustice of family court and the community in the PAPA organisation really helps. It's imperative people come together and raise awareness. Simon is constantly coming up with new ideas and is always on hand for advice. His articles on the PAPA website are very insightful and he clearly knows what he's talking about. It also helps me having something to focus on, spreading awareness and helping. Parental alienation is torture and has to stop. It cannot be allowed to continue.
We thank Scott for his continued resilience as he continues to fight to be there for his son's despite the abuse he and his sons have had to endure.
We will continue to support Scott along with all our members in fighting for their children and we are hugely appreciative of those who are helping us spread our message.

Across social media we have seen our posts reach over 1.5 million people on Instagram this summer as well as nearly 1 million people on Facebook.
This shows the power of social media and how even the smallest actions such as liking and sharing posts can contribute to making a big impact.
With your help we can continue to grow these numbers so please keep liking, commenting and sharing.
Your engagement makes a big difference.
We have also seen the winner of the PAPA van announced this summer with a new chapter awaiting the winner of the van and PAPA.
We will be able to reach more people in the winner's local area as well as any other plans he has in mind to help the cause.
It's been a great summer in terms of raising awareness and that's thanks to all the amazing volunteers, members and supporters of PAPA so thank you to each and every one of you for making this all possible.
We will continue to grow and make progress as long as we continue to have your unwavering support.
In need of help or support?
If you are an alienated parent reading this article and feel you are in need of help and support then please make sure to join PAPA today by signing up here on our website, completely free.
This will give you access to our community support forum as well as our upcoming Resource Centre, which will include free downloadable guides to help through the process of being alienated and regaining contact with your grandchildren.
We also have a free to use Facebook support group that you can join here.
Our Facebook support group has several dedicated chat rooms where you can get immediate support.
If you are a member of PAPA you can also send us a message here on the website and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible but please bear in mind, we have hundreds of messages weekly so it may take us a while to get back to you.
Regardless of circumstance you are not alone and at PAPA we are here to support you.
Want to get involved?
If you like our free resources, articles and our support networks and agree with what we stand for then why not get involved and help us push PAPA further?
We would love for you to help us spread awareness for parental alienation and all of the dynamics involved so that we can continue to help parents and children towards a better future.
Get some PAPA Supply today and help us reach many more in need of our support and also help us spread awareness so that we can help all victims of this abuse.
Thank you for reading and for your continued support of PAPA and our mission to end parental alienation.
I certainly wish that you all would come to the United States, especially the capital for the White House is in Virginia Beach, Virginia because I am really need of something like this to come my voice is getting weary and I only can order one so far but I definitely am an advocate and want everybody to paint. Any knew what's going on? My continuous research and articles and comparing notes to different aspects of it is basically confirmation of everything and the signs and the symptoms are all there for both children. Thank you and it looks fine. I wish I could be there to participate ❤️💯